Story Of Me

Computer Man
Welcome to my web!πŸ™‹β€

My name is Ghifana Nabila Oktaviani. I wish people would call me Nabila not Ghifana, but sadly my nickname keeps changing, but it's okay, you can call me as you like. Saya lahir di Bekasi pada tanggal 26 Oktober 2005. Saya merupakan anak bungsu dari 2 bersaudara. Saat ini, saya sedang menempuh pendidikan di SMAN 71 Jakarta.

Honestly, I don't know what to type. I'm still confused about what my passion is. People say passion is what makes us excited. I like to design and paint but it makes me tired easily, I like to write stories but it gets boring after a while. I hope I will soon find my passion and develop it. My current hobbies are watching movies & series, reading novels, and listening to music. Seems like my hobby is a waste of time, but I keep repeating itπŸ€¦β€β™€οΈ.

I would like to recommend some series and novels that are my favourites.

Class Of Lies & Mouse

Rentang Kisah by Gita Svitri

This is my spotify account
That's all and thank you!❣
Computer Man
Ghifana Nabila Oktaviani (XB)/18